The FIRST MEETING was held on:
Date: Jan 26, 2009
Time: 8:00-9:30pm
Location: Halifax;
Presenters: Kate Dunlay, Dusty Keeler, Glenn Coolen
The next meeting will be held in the Winter of 2010. Email us for details.
THE NEW TUNE SOCIETY has been formed in an attempt to widen the regional understanding of Celtic music genres & to foster
new musical ideas through performance, presentation & study.
It is an informal, not-for profit group interetsted in Celtic/Folk music of the Atlantic Canada region, and Celtic world abroad.
Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in singing, playing, listening to, or learning more about Celtic music.
:: to encourage the writing of new tunes & songs, as well as creating a forum for teaching those tunes & songs to others;
:: to encourage the playing & arranging of older tunes & songs that may not be regulariy played at sessions or sung at song
Four (4) presenters will be invited to each meeting (through the winter months). They will have 15-20 minutes to present or
perform their works & ideas in a relaxed environment. This is not a performance, or session, or lecture, but rather a unique
opportunity to share musical ideas with peers.
Membership includes:
:: a membership card
:: free admission to special events such as Seminars
:: opportunities to meet and share music & musical ideas with other music lovers.
($15.00 lifetime membership)
Please note: new members will receive their membership card at the next meeting (Oct, 2009).
*Attendance by members & presenters only.
*A quarrum of 4 members is required for a meeting to be held.
*Instruments are encouraged, but not required.
*Meetings may be cancelled in extreme weather conditions.
*All attendees are invited to bring notebooks, or recording devices.
*Please check for the latest updates on this website.
*All presenters are by invitation only, but if you have ideas you wish to share, please contact us!
For more information, or to join, please email: